Some types of investments will be discussed this time ranging from low risk to high risk to which, according to the profit or return obtained.Investment is a variety of investment instruments available to an investor, and investment instruments can be divided into 2 parts:
-Financial Instruments
-Real Instruments
Financial instruments include: bank deposits, bonds, stocks, mutual funds.Real instruments are: a tangible asset, such as gold, property and so on.Deposit bank: bank deposit investment instruments, the benefits received by way of interest.
Bank deposits
May include Deposits and Certificates of Deposit.In Time deposits: Deposits In a letter printed name of money, big flower and maturity, and interest can be taken on the maturity date.
While Certificates of Deposit: stated amount of money, big flower, and the maturity date only.The certificate holder has received interest in the beginning.
Hence the name of the Certificate of Deposit is not listed, then the certificate holder to trade in these certificates.Bonds:Bonds are securities issued by companies or governments that promised payment at a certain time.How is the investment instrument, it is a flower Profit money called Coupons. Performed payback at maturity over.
Bonds can be broadly divided into Corporate Bonds and Government Securities.Corporate debt securities: Issued by companies that want to add capital.Debt securities company coined a higher risk when compared to government bonds.
Sovereign Debt: This is a safer investment options compared to corporate bonds, because these securities fully backed by the government, but generate returns less attractive than corporate bonds.
To boost their capital sources that a company issuing shares, capital increases and the amount is divided up into units, well this is called the stock.Shares are securities that evidence ownership of real assets in companies.Stocks are a direct participation in the investment, means that if one has shares in a company, then he also has the physical assets of the company.
Shares have great benefits, and shareholders are also entitled to obtain dividend.In principle High Risk High Return investments, gains on stocks called Capital Gains.While the major risk to the share called Capital Loss.Investors who want the benefits will invest for the long term in order to gain a huge advantage.There are two types of shares issued by the company to increase its capital are:Common Stock (Common Stock)Featured Shares (Preference Stock)Common Stock (Common Stock): obtain dividend rights, voting rights and the right to buy new shares before the offer (right warrant)Featured Shares (Preference Stock):
This is the type of additional common shares that get conditions / privileges in certain things that were promised at the time of publication.If the company goes bankrupt, the leading shareholder entitled to claim their assets first.
Mutual FundsMutual funds are: the principle of mutual funds is kumulan people who collect money collectively on an investment institutions.The money raised will then be invested in stocks, bonds, and money market funds and mix (stocks, bonds, deposits)Real InstrumentsReal instruments:investment propertyIt is the object of investment instruments on a real investment, visible and tangible.Examples of investment by buying propeti / Investment Properties such as buying real estate.Real Estate Investments is an investment, because rents can increase over time.Investments in precious metals are also not less interesting, because these instruments are always increasing from time to time.In addition to precious metals also dirt, and other precious objects in the collection can also be a profitable investment instrument.The principle of investing is to invest in order to profit in a relatively long period of time.So my friend some profitable investment instruments, may serve as a reference for my friend who wants to invest all, congratulations to investors.
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