
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Errors in selling life insurance

Errors in selling life insurance: Selling life insurance requires a professional agent, patient, must have a high spirit, and can trust.
Life insurance products are selling appointments, so that life insurance agents must commit to in the trust, has high ability in the field, and avoid the mistakes that cause prospective customers to purchase delay.
Here are some common mistakes in selling life insurance that cause prospective customers to purchase delay are:

The lack of affinity between the agent and prospective customers
There are many life insurance agents meet potential customers, hastily explained the product, while the closeness yet well established, especially if the presentations made in the workplace.
For example, in offices, shops and so on.
While sales of insurance products sold is trust.
Requires emotional closeness between the agent and prospective customers.  
Less digging data / and needs
Less digging data.Ini resulting package offers products that are not appropriate to the customer.
Therefore, you must leverage in order to do this you offer products later in accordance with the needs of potential customers.

Less intrusive thoughts
Overview sounded less good, why prospective customers disturbed mind?. Yes indeed we should disturb the minds of prospective customers, for their sake, we invite prospective clients to get out of the security zone, in the sense we invite prospective clients to think about the future, and what if there is risk, so that prospective customers should have protection, to anticipate the risk of later life occurs.
No one in this world can know what needs to happen in the future.
But one thing is certain in this world, everyone has to die.
Died too soon is a problem for those who stay behind, and died too long is also a problem, for example, already aged 80 years, was not able to do anything about it, but still alive and sick, this is also a problem.
Costly, therefore a life insurance product is the answer to this need.

The presentation is not optimal.
Maximum mean total, detail, convey all the benefits that will be received when the prospective customer to buy your product, it is often the case that prospective customers are not buying due to lack of understanding of prospective customers for the products offered by the agency, or prospective customers are less satisfied that the explanation given to the question of agency that appears.
Therefore, well-controlled products is mandatory for life insurance agents

Too pushy
Too often coercive force ... to sell life insurance, urges prospective customers to buy with promised a prize.
And so on.
We need to understand "the more we force prospective customers to buy, the more they fortify themselves for not buying." Therefore selling life insurance should focus on the needs of potential customers and the benefits to be received from the insurance it self.

Keeping the promise
Keeping promises important factors in selling life insurance.
An insurance agent selling the contract, you have to keep the promise, from the little things, for example, you make an appointment to come in at 14.00.
But you arrive at 15.00.
Potential customers have judged that you are a person who is not on time, but the prospect is not going to say it.
For small thing can not be trusted, how to great things.

Do not over sell the excess
Too glorifying that your products are of the top, or the top of your company, it also gives an unfavorable impression on prospective customers.
It is therefore reasonable selling, favor our products are good but do not overdo it, especially with vilify the product from your competitors, well presented, the judge let the prospective customers.
Selling life insurance is requested
Dare to ask, if you feel that all the things about the products you have presented well, and the customer already gaining a full understanding of the product and its benefits, then ventured untu request.
You ask prospective clients to prepare them for the good protection for those in the future.
It often happens that the customer already interested in your product but they are waiting for the current to end the selling process.
Therefore as a life insurance agent you should have the courage to ask to close the sale.
So my friend some common mistakes in selling life insurance.
Hopefully this article can help my friend and all useful.



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