
Friday, October 26, 2012

Various Types / character prospective insurance customers

Various Types / character prospective insurance customers:Various Types / character prospective insurance customers: Becoming an insurance agent, provides many valuable lessons, you will meet with a wide range of types, human characters, prospective clients you meet.Therefore as a life insurance agent, you would have to learn to understand the different types of potential customers, and how to deal with it.
On occasion I will discuss the various characters common prospective insurance customers we encounter and how to deal with it. 


Characteristics of a quiet person is they listen more, and rarely spoke, with his face flat, that did not show any enthusiasm for what you say.They will talk when the question, and the answers given were usually singkat.mereka will speak as necessary.They will talk when the question, and the answer that is given is usually short.They will speak as necessary.
For the record: This type will be very close to you, when you managed to get them attracted to you
Faced this type you as a life insurance agent should be more active in taking control of the talk, try to broach the subject by exploring what they prefer.It is important to establish your closeness with a prospective customer.Avoid offering products before intertwined closeness with people like this.
Provide a description that is easy to understand, not beating around the bush, so as not to cause confusion in the prospective customer.
More personal approach in the interest of people like this type.
Faced with the type of people should be more reticent approach.


Arrogant is one type of potential customers which in my opinion is not difficult to persuasion.Feature of the like-this, they feel better than others in every way, not to be outdone is the nature mereka.Tipe people like this do not hesitate reluctant to show what they have / what they know.Therefore the type of arrogant people are usually more open.As a professional agent that you have to be patient listen to all of what they say, give them the opportunity to open up all of what they know.Type prideful usually hungry for praise, therefore, as a seller you should give praise / adulation for what they accomplished, for what he has, and so on.Offering products while providing flattery is an effective way to deal with this type.So smart is smart to benefit from the happy mood that flattered.Type prideful is not difficult to make a decision.You as a seller of life insurance do not hesitate to try to close the sale (trial close).

Type humane

Sociable type is strongly opposed to the type of quiet, gentle type characteristic is that they are very happy to tell you everything.
But not in the sense like in flattered.
sociable person familiar very quickly.
When you are invited to enter their often repeated words, for example, invited in. ... they like to say,,, yes please go ... go ... go .. we can quickly identify the type of gentle.
They are very easy to talk to.
Faced this type you enjoy it, do not be carried away their conversation, but you also have to be quiet to listen to the exact time you should gradually tangent about your product, and ultimately lure prospective customers to change the subject to find the product you are offering. type accommodating not the type who is detail, therefore only speak in essence, providing the benefits they will get from the insurance products that you offer.

Type the comparator

Type of comparison is one that is difficult to type on the invite compromise, they always compare what you have to offer with other products, this type always see the negatives of what you bargain right to compare with other products.
How to deal with this type do not get carried away with their mindset, you do not argue with what they say, you can use the technique of Yes But, .. so what you say "true", "but" ...... Faced comparator type we must be doing a good approach.
So they feel that you are friends, their friends, so the intention to compare it to overcome ...
For the record the type of comparison is very good to be a referee (Referral leads) over his friends, if you managed to sell it to them.


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