
Monday, October 29, 2012

Technical selling life insurance easily.

Technical selling life insurance easily.:Good morning friends, faithful companions Experts78, hopefully good news all in good health and always, the spirit of running our respective activities.
This time I will share the techniques how to sell life insurance easily.
Many people think saying it difficult to sell life insurance, it's hard.
But I think, if we know how it is not as difficult as they say.
Okay we get to the point, yes ...
We need to understand that selling life insurance is to sell an appointment, so that you as a seller of insurance must be trustworthy.
You have the right appointment.
If prospective clients find the slightest doubt of the things you as a seller, then potential customers will be put off by a thousand reasons not to buy.
Well ... to overcome objections in selling life insurance, let's make it easy.
Let's start selling to the people closest to you.
The goal is that you are slowly learning to sell.
And it is not too difficult to close the sale.
First the father, mother, aunt, uncle, aunt, sister, brother in law.
Proceed to your family, friends, aunts, uncles friends, relatives, friends, friends of friends.
Here you have to promote yourself that you are one of the professional life insurance agent in the company ... xxx ...
Then expand your network to include friends, relatives, or clients who have a seller for you.
Why do we have to engage them to sell ...? Yes ... we involve them also in selling because someone is certainly easier to believe close friends than to others.
Give a bonus to those who sold, can form objects / goods, or bonus travel / holiday money or cash, in an amount up to you, (whoever wants to do something if it is profitable for him).
You have to explain to them how the steps to sell your product.
If there are potential customers who are interested, you will explain in more detail.

Usually this will close the sale smoothly, because 70% -80% interest and confidence (trust) their (potential customers) already built in, so your task is only 20% went to close the sale.
How to close the sale please read here
You do the same thing to every new customer that you get, so the market for the sale of insurance you'll never run out.

After sales service should not be forgotten because of all customers, both existing customers and new customer sales is likely to happen next. (Reselling)

So my friend, life insurance sales techniques easily and minimize rejection.

Hopefully useful ....

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love your blog man. Keep it up <3 You are still active in Insurance?
